NFC Reader/Writer allows you to simply and quickly program NFC tags or stickers. This application requires the phone to have NFC (Near Field Communication) capability.
You can program to NFC tags or stickers:
- web addresses
- foursquare venues
- address book contacts
- phone numbers
- emails
- text
Easily communication with friends or colleagues using NFC tags or stickers. Everyone who scans the tags or sticker swill see the same content.
Thanks to Okonski Media Solutions for the application icon!
NFC Reader / Writer memungkinkan Anda untuk secara sederhana dan cepat memprogram NFC tag atau stiker. Aplikasi ini memerlukan telepon untuk memiliki NFC (Near Field Communication) kemampuan.
Anda dapat memprogram ke NFC tag atau stiker:
- Alamat web
- Tempat foursquare
- Kontak buku alamat
- Nomor telepon
- Email
- Teks
Mudah komunikasi dengan teman-teman atau rekan-rekan menggunakan tag NFC atau stiker. Setiap orang yang memindai tag atau stiker membilas melihat konten yang sama.
Berkat Okonski Media Solusi untuk ikon aplikasi!
NFC Reader/Writer allows you to simply and quickly program NFC tags or stickers. This application requires the phone to have NFC (Near Field Communication) capability.
You can program to NFC tags or stickers:
- web addresses
- foursquare venues
- address book contacts
- phone numbers
- emails
- text
Easily communication with friends or colleagues using NFC tags or stickers. Everyone who scans the tags or sticker swill see the same content.
Thanks to Okonski Media Solutions for the application icon!